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Hints on maintenance of spectrometers with SRAR for metal analyses

There may be variations in one point or another for different types of spectrometer. The manufacturer should be asked  to provide a complete maintenance list, which should be placed in a visible location in the direct vicinity of the spectrometer. A book should be kept in tabular form for maintenance jobs.


1. Check argon supply; check argon flow rates

2. Check vacuum readings

3. Test power output meter

4. Measure intensities of reference lines with a pure sample

5. Recalibrate

6. Clean spark stand at end of shift


1. Unscrew stand bottom plate and clean

2. Check Ar analysis data protection

3. Change printer ribbon


1. Renew electrode tip

2. Clean Ar outlet

3. Change oil or water in wash bottle

4. Check oil level in vacuum pump

5. Clean or change air filter mats

6. Test cartridges for gas-cleaning the UV optics


1. Change oil in vacuum pump

2. Check Ar purifier

3. Clean instrument interior


1. General inspection by spectrometer manufacture’s Service Department

Other maintenance

1. During the first few days after commissioning, the profile should be checked frequently, and subsequently at longer intervals eg. monthly, for typical analytical lines.

2. If the intensities of the references fall below preset values the quartz windows must be cleaned.

3.In vacuum spectrometers ,if the switching times for the solenoid valve are too short the pump must be operated on gas ballast. In so doing, the pump should not be separated from the container.

4. Also note maintenance instructions for sample preparation equipment.


Address: 19th Liangtong Road, Mashan Town, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China

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