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Calcium carbonate industry annual meeting held GLMY create instrument display calcium carbonate testing equipment

Recently, in response to the call that high-quality development is the hard truth of the new era, the Calcium Carbonate Industry Branch of the China Inorganic Salt Industry Association held the "2024 National Calcium Carbonate Industry Annual Meeting" in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province from May 28 to 29. Calcium carbonate industry elites from all over the country participated in this conference, GLMY create instrument with desktop X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and ICP spectrometer to participate in this conference, and the guests to discuss the development of calcium carbonate industry new trends, new technologies and new momentum.

During the annual meeting, more than 30 experts and scholars from different fields gathered to exchange and release a series of new technologies, new processes, and show new equipment and new models of calcium carbonate industry. Participants said that these innovations will provide strong technical support for the low-carbon, green and high-quality development of the calcium carbonate industry.

Our company GLMY Create instrument was invited to participate in this annual meeting, and in the meeting demonstrated the Taiwan type X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and ICP spectrometer, attracting the attention of many participants, these two high-precision instruments, in the calcium carbonate industry detection and analysis play an important role, can effectively improve product quality and process level. X-ray fluorescence spectrometer can detect with high sensitivity and high resolution. Through the analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, the content of various elements in calcium carbonate can be accurately understood, which provides important data support for the production and application of calcium carbonate. The ICP spectrometer (Inductively coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer) can be used to determine the content of calcium carbonate. Through the analysis of ICP spectrometer, the content of various elements in calcium carbonate can be accurately determined, which provides accurate data support for the production and application of calcium carbonate. The staff of our company introduced these two devices to the guests, which were unanimously praised by the participants.

It is worth noting that the annual meeting also commended the "Top 10 National calcium carbonate series" (top 10 light calcium, heavy calcium, nano calcium) enterprises, as well as units, individuals and high-quality papers that have made outstanding contributions to the development of calcium carbonate industry in recent years. The award of these honors is not only an affirmation of the outstanding enterprises and individuals in the industry, but also sets an example and benchmark for the entire industry.

The success of this annual meeting not only provides a platform for the calcium carbonate industry to exchange and learn, but also further promotes the scientific and technological innovation and green development of the industry. GLMY will always adhere to the concept of "innovation, quality, service", to provide customers with better products and services, and contribute to the development of calcium carbonate industry.


Address: 19th Liangtong Road, Mashan Town, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China

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